
Winter Already?

Is it really November? I cant believe how quickly this summer  this year has flown by! I have been so incredibly blessed to have had the opportunities I have had and to have met the people that I have this year. 20 weddings, 4 photo shoots, 1 fashion show, and many long nights styling hair for friends and family have lead me to where I am now this year. I may be a little tired but I am eager and feeling over the moon with happiness from all the opportunities that I have had. Although the year is not yet over, I am afraid that if I don't write this down now I may not have a chance during the chaos of the holidays! I want to give a big shout out to Kelly Jones who has been there with me every step of the way this year, she has always had faith in me and inspires me with her drive and passion for this business. I love learning from each other and love having you as a business partner! Id also like to thank Eileen Tanner from E Events Co. for involving me in some amazing projects this summer that allowed me to be featured on some very established, well known wedding blogs and websites ( which I will talk more about later). And last but not least, Matt & Marina of Two Foxes Photography. You guys are a seriously incredible team and are in a league of your own. Your photos really bring all of our hard work to life and I feel so lucky to have the pictures and memories to cherish and share with the world!
I will be uploading some pictures that I was able to catch on my phone to the above wedding tab, keep checking back for more updates :)

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